Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA)
Know how your internal traffic is used
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In business since 2004, blësk has entered the market as the solution of choice for network monitoring.

Keep a close watch on bandwidth usage with blësk Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA).
Like road traffic, it is essential to identify the cause of the slowdown to act and restore order. In the case of a computer network, the frustrating question that runs is: Who is monopolizing my bandwidth?
Use the network traffic flow available on your firewalls or switches to get complete visibility of what is happening on your network, from North to South. Proactively identify bandwidth issues, performance bottlenecks, and DDoS attacks by following flow data through NetFlow, Jflow, and sFlow.
Understand and solve everything that causes network slowness
Users can access the interfaces to display information about traffic, application, source, destination, conversation, DSCP, and traffic quality of service .

A comprehensive overview of network traffic
blësk NTA discovers the application protocols (Facebook, YouTube, BitTorrent, etc.) using the nDPI approach, a deep packet inspection technology. It characterizes HTTP traffic by relying, among other things, on the characterization services provided by Google. It provides detailed information about network traffic, including traffic volume, key speakers, bandwidth consumption, and high usage times.

It is compatible with all known protocol and stream versions such as NetFlow, Jflow, sFlow, IPFIX, etc.
blësk NTA is compatible with all data capture approaches necessary for the functionality of this type of software. It can use flow data statistics generated by routers, switches, specialized standalone hardware probes, or mirror port configuration on switches.
In summary, blësk NTA provides:
A real-time dashboard
- The use of communication protocols on your network
- The list of the largest data consumer
- The protocol usage history
- The traffic received and sent from each device