Actualités et événements
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Switch Port Manager, a must have tool to manage network switches
Rechercher l'emplacement sur lequel un équipement spécifique est connecté peut s’avérer être une tâche beaucoup plus com-plexe que prévu lorsque vous n’avez pas les bons outils.
Avoiding downtime is the key for ecommerce-based businesses
According to the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, 40% of Canadian Businesses sell their products and services online.
Network monitoring tools to prevent software vulnerabilities
As businesses move further into the world of agile development, they are increasingly creating their own applications.
Network Monitoring is an essential task for modern business IT infrastructure
Business network outages can be caused by human error, configuration issues, and environmental factors.
What are measures are you taking to protect your health IoT infrastructure?
Public health depends on information derived from monitoring population health status to identify community health problems and to diagnose and investigate health problems and hazards in the community.
Identify and deal with a warning before it becomes a disaster
As a Network administrator, think about the occurrence of a hacker posing as one of your network administrators to gain access to privileged data.