Log4j Vulnerability
A vulnerability with the Java Log4j extension was announced this weekend. Log4j is a Java-based logging audit framework used by blësk for the Event Log Manager (ELM) application.
A vulnerability with the Java Log4j extension was announced this weekend. Log4j is a Java-based logging audit framework used by blësk for the Event Log Manager (ELM) application.
Software vulnerabilities have been widespread since the beginning of the Internet. Despite the evolution of IT security platforms, software and systems can never be claimed as completely secured.
Organizations faced operational challenges to keep IT services secure, up-to-date and uninterrupted while physically no-one is in, or able to come to a corporate location.
Downtime can be either planned or unplanned. When your IT team needs to make important technology updates, they may have to turn off your network temporarily.
Like road traffic, it is essential to identify the cause of the slowdown to act and restore order. In the case of a computer network, the frustrating question that runs: Who is monopolizing my bandwidth?
A network switch acts like a core/brain to a computer network. It is the networking hardware that connects all devices together on a LAN, redirecting and forwarding data to the correct destination.
All businesses are different; however, the value of their computer network to their business are same. As a business grows, its network grows not only in size and complexity but also in significance and value.
A network that is up does not always mean that it is working well! There are many problems that can affect network performance, and some of them are very complex to identify and understand.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the technology world. Businesses both inside and outside the tech circle are adopting AI into their work suite.
Current enterprise and organization level networks use hundreds of switch ports to enable network connectivity, which has made switch port management a day-to-day network management task.